Mystery Guy ( Episode 7)

It was Saturday morning and all I could think or hope for was my pregnancy test not to be positive , I have never been this scared all my life, it was either a positive or negative result, with this thought i got up from bed took my bath and got dressed.

I was all set so i called Tosin to ask where she was and she told me she was in front of my gate , I immediately went downstairs and from there we took a cab to the hospital.
On our way, Tosin could tell how nervous i was so she just tried to take my mind of it by asking me how dinner went with Wale in my house, i just chuckled and asked how the hell she knew that happened because i sure did not tell her, she said well Wale was so afraid of me he had called her and told her he finally talked and had dinner with me and also thanked her for helping him out a little.
we talked about him for a while and we both got silent till we got to the hospital.

20 minutes later we got to the hospital, ( moment of truth ). we went straight to the doctors office and told him i was here for a pregnancy test, he asked me how long my period was late and i replied saying a week, he said Ok then he wrote something on a paper and told me to go to the lab downstairs for the test and give the lab attendant the paper, i thanked him and left his office.

I got to the lab, my blood was drawn and i was told to wait for 20 minutes for my result, ( Damn, longest 20 minutes of my life).
Tosin and i went to wait at the reception, while we where there a pregnant lady walked in, probably about 5 months gone, she sat down at the reception waiting to see the doctor, i couldn't stop looking at her and i kept wondering what i will do with my self if my test came out positive, how do i tell a newly married man with a pregnant wife i haven't heard from in weeks i am pregnant, I didn't have an answer to that question.

Tosin was talking about how she had issues with her boss at work, he wanted to get down with her and she wasn't having it, but also he started to threaten her work, she was fed up of the whole thing, I was so angry and asked her why she didn't tell me sooner, she said she did't want to bug me because i had my own issues to deal with but she needs to talk to someone about it, I told her to report him to someone superior or something , she said (lol) he is the superior, i was so pissed and told her not to worry we will sought everything out together one after the other.

The next thing i heard was my name on the speaker, Miss Funmi please come for your result,(my heart literally stopped) but i stood up and went to the lady at the desk who directed me to where i was given my result in an envelope, i went back to Tosin without opening it.
I was scared to open the envelope, I couldn't bring myself to do it, my hands were shaking. Tosin whispered to me, you don't have to do this here, you can open it at home, i said yes i would do it at home, we thanked the receptionist and left the hospital.

We got to my house 20 minutes later and I dropped from the cab while Tosin said she had to quickly do something at the house, let me know the outcome darling you will be fine she said, we waved at each other and she left.

I was alone in this i thought to myself, I got in the house took my bath and lay down on the bed staring at the envelope in my hand, I couldn't open it. I decided to take a nap and clear my head.

Around 8pm i woke up and went to ease myself , went straight to the kitchen and made a sandwich because i was starving, after eating i had a cold juicy drink and went back to the bed to face my moment of truth.

I finally picked up the envelope and opened it and immediately tears rolled down my eyes, i was 4 weeks pregnant.
My life has literally ended, i cried myself to sleep.

What do i do?
How do i reach him?


Anonymous said…
What a pity , really wish she didn’t get pregnant ��������what’s she going to do? Ok episode 8 o
Anonymous said…
O God why.why why why? Waiting for episode 8. Post it soon.
Anonymous said…
Dammmnnn,,,, why did this happen. what a pity
Unknown said…
She's pregnant. Praise the Lord! Next time, she will not mekwe indiscriminately.
jesse-jnr said…
I be seeing these comments and am shocked. She had unprotected sex and this wasn't a possibility? Or I bet a subtle wish for Mr Mystery to be sterile could come in handy. Smh

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