My Gym Instructor ( Episode 9).

I woke up at 7 Am to an email from work telling us to prepare for a zoom meeting by 9AM, I quickly dashed to the bathroom so I can meet up for the meeting.
I took off my clothes and turned the shower on, the cold water trickled down my body I quivered, all the thoughts running through my head was how to hurt Rotimi. 
I wanted to hurt him in a way he will remember for years, I decided to start plotting how I was going to start my mission. 

I got out of the shower to prepare for my zoom meeting, threw on something to wear and picked up my laptop to start my day. By 9 AM, I was already signed into zoom, the meeting started immediately and different issues were addressed from those who will work from home and the exact thing everyone will be doing.   
The meeting ended 10 AM, and the work for the day started for me, I was on my laptop till I fell asleep, woke up around 4 PM and closed all the opened tickets I had. 
I finalized everything I had to do and closed for the day, Time to prepare for the gym again. 

By 6 PM, I grabbed my gym clothes, sneakers and water bottle and strolled to the gym, I don't know why but I kept smiling knowing Rotimi would be there. 

Got to the gym around 6:15 PM, greeted the receptionist and made my way to the aerobics class, there he was giving aerobic commands, I entered without  uttering a word, and the next thing I heard was Rotimi saying you are late Miss, I turned around and said my bad I am sorry, with a wicked grin on my face.

The class continued and we finished around 7:30 PM, before the class closed there was this guy I set my eyes on, damn he was cute as fuck, I  made a statement with my eyes already, I started making funny faces at him, at first he did not respond but he later started to respond with giggles and cute faces. 
I didn't even remember Rotimi throughout until the class ended and he said can I see you please?.  
I was shocked and wondered why he would like to see me, he hasn't spoken to me in weeks. 

I made my way to the changing room where he was and the conversation went thus: 

Me: Hi, so you finally see I exist? 

Rotimi: Hi, it's not what you think, something happened that night after I left your house and since then I have been trying to pick up pieces of my life together. 

Me: Really? whatever happened to communicating with me and telling me what happened? I mean I was worried about you, I kept calling you but no response. How do you think I felt seeing you at the gym the other day? 

Just as Rotimi was about to respond, the cute guy from earlier came in and said hi can I see you, or are you busy? I quickly responded saying no I am not busy and walked away from Rotimi. 

So what's your name pretty?  he asked, I replied and he said cute name, we strolled out of the gym together, we talked a little and exchanged contacts, all the while Rotimi was looking at us with a face that just told you he was upset. 

Got home and got a message from Seun already, ( yea, the new guy), we chatted for a bit and then I told him I had to sleep and we said goodnight to each other. 
As I tried to shut my eyes, a text message came in from Rotimi saying I see you have moved on, I ignored the message and shut my eyes. 

Woke up thinking about Seun and what to do with him, what a delicious man, I picked up my phone to send him a text but I dropped it immediately realizing I am a (baby girl o), he has to do the chasing abeg, no time to be chasing man up and down, ( big girls chase bags o). 

I made up my mind that I was going to ignore Rotimi the way he ignored me as well, (why not return the same energy) let's see if he can also deal with that.
I got up to have my bath and my phone rang, it was Seun ( my delicious man), I picked up and the conversation went thus: 

Seun: Hi Mamacita, how was your night? 

Me: Hello Papi, my night was good but a little bit cold. 

Seun: Awwww sorry dear, I wish I was there to cuddle my baby, anyway what's your day going to be like. 

Me: Hmmmm are you sure you will be able to handle the storm from cuddling me ( lmao), well nothing much to do today, I was about to take a shower when your call came in. 

Seun: Oh cool, we will see if your storm can handle the heat I am going to bring ( lol, just teasing you), can we hang out later today, just drinks and you know get chatty? 

Me: lol I know you are teasing, cool I will let you know when I am ready. 

Seun: Alright then, I will call you by 6 PM, be good Mamacita. 

Me: Alright, be good Papi. (phone cuts). 

I dashed to the bathroom and put this Tate Mcrae song (You broke me first), I dunno why I love that song so much, but it was on repeat for the rest of the day. 

I had time to arrange my wardrobe and put a few things together in the house and even made vegetable soup ( Efo Riro). 


Anonymous said…
Lmao , show him girl 💪🏽

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