My Gym Instructor ( Episode 8).

A week passed and I still haven't heard from Rotimi, his phone was still off, what went wrong? what happened? I couldn't think straight.
I tried to work out at home but I couldn't concentrate so I just went straight to the bathroom, took off my clothes, and had a warm bath.
I left the bathroom and threw on something to wear, Picked up this novel titled (The Broker) by John Grisham from my shelf, I have been trying to read it on and off, I finally had some time to read a little.
As I started to read the novel, an idea struck me, why didn't I call the gym and ask of him? or better still go there and check myself?.

It was 6;30 PM, I showered and put on my gym clothes and wore my sneakers, I jogged to the gym and was already exhausted to do any sort of aerobics but I was on a mission ( find Rotimi), I got in and the receptionist greeted me warmly and said its been long you came in Ma, I replied saying thank you, dear, but work has been crazy, stylishly I asked is Mr. Rotimi around? , yes, he is in the main gym by your right, her reply almost sent me into an early comatose, walking towards the gym I said thanks to her.
I didn't even know if I was angry, or just sad, so all the while I have been trying to reach this ( motherfucker) he has been well and okay, I don't blame him, it's true when they say good D ( dick) can reduce your mental capacity when it comes to making decisions concerning men, all these thoughts were in my head as I walked to the entrance of the main gym. 

I opened the door to the main gym, lo and behold Rotimi was there giving his gym rats aerobics instructions, (Left now right), (lol, I thought to myself, I am not going to cause a scene, (Mo wa classy gan mehn) I joined the class and said calmly sorry I am late, Rotimi looked at me as if he didn't even know me, (wow I said to myself). 
 Two can play this game I said to myself, this motherfucker just fucked with the wrong girl mehn.

We finished by 7:30 PM, I was sore all over, everyone started leaving one after the other, I saw him entering the changing room, A part of me wanted to go in and confront him, but the other part of me ( the real bitch) just smiled wickedly and said no babes we will deal with this man Hiroshima and Nagasaki style of 1945.
I got up from the floor I was lying down, returned the 3kg weights I was lifting and left the gym. 

I decided to stroll back home, different thoughts of all the things I could to do to this Rotimi guy kept streaming in my brain, I had this wicked sheepish smile on my face till I got home.  
I took off my gym clothes stepped in the shower, took the last plate of watermelon I sliced earlier in the fridge and ate, I dropped the plate back in the kitchen and put my TV on to see what was happening in the world when I saw the breaking news that there was a new pandemic in the country called the ( Coronavirus) I have to avoid crowded places and avoid touching people..Damn I could hear my (Lil Miss thing crying) hahahahhahaa, I was still thinking out loud when the news also stated that there would be a 3 weeks compulsory lockdown to try and control the spread of this virus, so obviously no work, no sex, no cuddling (shit) I was going to go crazy....I listened to the news a little more and turned the TV off. I turned on my laptop to check my emails and a new mail dropped from my office informing us we will be working from home (ASAP), I was happy at least work will take my mind off somethings, I turned the laptop off and laid down on my bed thinking of how I was going to Hiroshima Rotimi now with this pandemic ishhh till I slept off.....


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