My Gym Instructor ( Episode 7)

My alarm went off around 5:30 AM, I got up and went straight to the bathroom still reminiscing about last night, finished up and went straight to get dressed.
I checked my phone and no call or text yet from Rotimi, (hmmm). I went to the kitchen and sliced some fruits from the fridge and put it in a plastic plate and grabbed my car keys and left for work.
I got to work around 8:30 AM, put on my laptop and started my work for the day.

Around 10 AM, I decided I was going to call Rotimi since I haven't heard from him, I picked up my phone and went to the ladies restroom and dialed his number, on the first dial it didn't go through, but on the second dial it started to ring, but he did not pick up, I wasn't sure what was running through my mind but I decided to call his number again, he still did not pick up, I went back to my office wondering what could have gone wrong.

It was 2 PM and we were called in for a board meeting, and everyone was in attendance, we talked on different issues needed to be worked on, we also talked about new innovations and ideas the company was working on, of course, there was a debate on what and what not to add to the company's services.
It was a pretty fun and brain tasking session, in the end, it was a successful meeting.

It was 5:30 PM and I was ready to leave the office, turned my laptop off and put it in the bag and cleared my desk. I was walking out of the office door when my phone rang and it was Rotimi, I picked and said hey wats up?
He replied nothing much and I am like okay.
The next thing he said was your place at 9:00 PM? and in my head, I am like ( hmmm this nigga wanna hit it again,okurrrrrrrrrrrr in *Cardi b* voice), I said okay see you then and don't forget to bring diner and he said definitely and he ended the call.
I got home by 8:00 PM, Lagos, and traffic, took off my clothes and went straight to the bathroom, I let the hot water run all over my body then I switched it to cold water, I instantly felt better, got out of the shower and put on sexy lingerie, ( I stay ready) and then I switched on my laptop and surfed the internet.
At 9 PM sharp my doorbell rang and I went to open the door, he hugged me (damn he smelt nice), he handed me dinner and I served it immediately as I was really hungry, we ate and talked about work and a few things, he came close to me and started to stroke my hair and we started to kiss, (  damn I was wet instantly) it was like he knew the password to (miss thing) down there.
My nipples started to protrude instantly inviting him, he slipped off my lingerie and helped himself by using his tongue to flick my nipple. My body was literally shaking as if that was not enough he opened up my legs and started to eat me out down there while he used one finger to flick my clitoris.
He was about to slide his dick inside when his phone rang, he ignored it at first and then it rang again, this time he decided to check who was calling, to my surprise he picked the call and the next thing I heard him say was *WHATTTTTT* *HOW*? *When*?, immediately my pussy dried up because, from his countenance I could tell something was wrong, he picked his things up and said I have to go hastily, I kept asking what's wrong and he just kept saying I have to go.

Rotimi left the house and I tried to reach him after but his phone number was switched off.

What the fuck went wrong????????????????? I kept asking myself until I dozed off.....................


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