Mystery Guy ( Episode 9)

I can't believe I am 6 months pregnant , how time flies , with this thought in my head I sat down in the patio downstairs waiting for Wale to bring the car so we could go for my antenatal, he called my name and I stood up immediately and went to meet him, he held the door and i sat down in the car ( gosh I love this man) he is so gentle.
He doesn't even remind me or even make me feel like he is not the father of my child in anyway, too loving, rubs my belly and talks to the baby in my tummy and tells him he loves him so much and can't wait to hold him. ( yes I am having a boy).
On our way to the hospital, Wale told me his elder brother and his family would be coming into town next week and he will like me to meet him, I told him no problem I would love to meet them.
We finished from the hospital and went to have lunch at Sailors lounge in Lekki. After lunch we went shopping for more baby stuff, and after that Wale dropped me at home.
After few hours Tosin came to the house and we started to gist, she asked how Wale was and how he was coping with the pregnancy and all , well he is doing fine I told her.
Tosin started asking how the sex was ( very crazy girl), I just rolled my eyes and told her to leave me I am not talking o, she kept probing me so much I had to bulge. At first he was very determined not to touch me until after I gave birth and I didn't mind as well, but we always kiss and make out alone but as time passed and I was getting heavier with my pregnancy I got more horny and I started to crave for sex seriously, he noticed this and started to back off anytime we make out and I just want him to put his dick inside me he will just stop and tell me baby lets wait till you give birth and it just makes me feel bad.
So one morning when he came over to my house I told him I needed to know why he doesn't find me attractive enough to have sex with me ( with tears in my eyes), he held me close to him and said its not that, its just that he doesn't want to hurt the baby that's why, I told him the baby will be OK, and if it makes him feel better we should see my doctor and he said OK.
So we got to the doctors office and Wale started asking a lot of questions and I was surprised, I started to laugh, he was asking questions like "can the baby get hurt"?, "'can the baby feel my penis inside her" ? and so many more. The doctor assured us that its OK to have sex and make sure I am well lubricated and he should also not hesitate when he is cumming inside me that its helps make delivery easier for women.
Tosin was just laughing all the while and she said although I understand him you know, its his first time so I think its OK for him to be scared, so are you all having sex now?.
Yes we are I replied ( my eyes glowing) , he is so gentle with me, he takes his time, he eats me up till my legs start shaking, then he allows himself inside me and damn he is big. Now he can't get enough of me, we have sex every time he comes over or I go over to his house.
Tosin that's enough oooo , you are making me miss my man jor....( we both laughed). I asked whats up with her work and her crazy boss, she just said he suddenly stopped the threat after we discussed it with Wale, I just told her that's good although I will ask Wale if he had anything to do with it because he didn't tell me anything of such, Tosin said OK, at least I am happy working now.
So Wale's older brother and his family will be in town next week and Wale wants me to meet them I told Tosin. That's nice she said you guys are getting really serious, I told her well yea, but I don't know why I am feeling nervous about it, Its normal she said.
Tosin and I watched a movie, ate, and talked about other things before she took her leave.
The weekend was here and I was cleaning Wale's house in preparation for the arrival of his older brother and family tomorrow, after cleaning the house I went out to get groceries and foodstuff for the house. I got home and made vegetable soup ( Efo Riro), and Jellof rice, I was frying the chicken when Wale got home from work and came to meet me in the kitchen and gave me a kiss and said well done baby sorry for all the stress I put you through today with your condition, I just kissed him back and said its OK baby, just stay with me while I finish up OK, so I served him Jellof rice and chicken to eat while he seats in the kitchen.
Baby your food is very tasty wow, thanks love I said.
So what time are you picking your older brother at the airport tomorrow?, well by 6 PM he said.
After I finished cooking , eating and cleaning up the kitchen I went straight to the bathroom and turned the water on to run in the bath, I put in my shower bath gel and some tea tree oil for my skin, very good stuff I got on a site ( , it works wonders.
I took my cloths off and slid into the tub, damn the water settled well on my skin and I just wanted to be in there, I played slow music from my phone and was lost in thoughts about how my life had taking different turns in the last few months, Wale interrupted me and said babe can I join you?, sure you can I said , he took off his cloths right there and slid into the tub , I had to get up so I can lie on his chest because of my preggy belly , he started to rub my belly and says I really love you and I wish I met you before (mystery man) you know, this could have been mine (rubbing my stomach) biologically , but he doesn't change anything babe, I still love him and you with all my heart, I only just wish sometimes you know , I feel that same way too I told him , you don't know how many times I have thought about this too, I love you Wale and I wish I can turn back the hands of time, with this he started to kiss the back of my neck, grabbing my really big boobs, I could feel his dick bulging, I knew he wanted me...
We washed our body and went straight to the bed, Wale took my legs apart and his tongue and lips did wonders to me , my legs where shaking and I was moaning really loud, then he came up and kissed my lips, neck, and moved down to my nipples, I moaned so loud, while he was doing this I grabbed his dick and used my hands to make him feel good, he groaned and I knew he wanted to be inside me so bad, he put his dick and entered me slowly, I moaned, slowly babe, he was inside me going back and forth with every slow stroke , I love this man I told myself, he played with my nipples and used his fingers to play with my clitoris , I was dripping wet and he could feel every bit of my juice all over him, he held me so tight and exploded inside me and kissed my body all over, he made sweet love to me, we both slept in each others arms I was ecstatic.
In the morning, Wale went to pick up his laundry from the dry cleaners while I quickly tidy somethings I didn't finish with yesterday, when I finished I went to take my bath and take a nap.
When I woke up by 3 PM Wale was busy playing games with his PS4, especially soccer, he kissed my cheek and said hope you are well rested and I said yes, we played together until 4 PM when he had to start going to the airport to pick his brother and family, he kissed my forehead and said see you later baby, and off he went.
I quickly started to prepare for dinner, I brought the vegetable out from the fridge and started making Poundo yam, I warmed the Jellof rice as well so they could have another option in case they don't want Poundo yam. I finished doing all that and put them in serving plates and went to have my bath and threw on something nice to wear while I wait for them.
By 9 PM they where back because I heard the car horn for the gate man to open the gate , so I quickly opened the door and ran upstairs so Wale would call me downstairs ( when he calls me baby in front of them and when they see me with my heavily pregnant stomach they will know how serious we
Hey baby we are back Wale said, I replied, coming down babe ( my head was swelling o, he called me baby in the presence of his family), I heard a ladies voice and a kids voice with the husbands voice talking about how they didn't miss Lagos traffic.
I went downstairs and greeted them and said hello, welcome back to Nigeria, as they all turn to look at me the next thing I saw almost sent me into premature labor , It was ( mystery man).
Mystery man is Wale's Older
I passed out when (mystery man) called out my name FUNMI.