Mystery Guy ( Episode 8)

I woke up in the morning to several missed calls from Tosin and Wale , I was devastated. What was I going to do? , His number was no longer reachable, I tried searching for him on social media but no result, how do I give birth to a child without a father? , aborting it wasn't even considerable because I have always said I would never do it. I picked up my phone and called Tosin and told her I was pregnant, she was quiet and told me she would come over to my house in the next 1 hour, I said ok and cut the call, as for Wale I honestly didn't know what to do about him, he came to my life at the wrong moment, how do I tell him I am pregnant for a married man who I cannot even reach? , my life just took a complicated turn. Tosin knocked and I opened the door, we went straight to my room and then Tosin finally says Funmi what are you going to do?, I said I don't know and there was a long silence in the room , I started to cry and Tosin just kept consoling me saying everythin...