How To Make Money Doing What You Love...

Hey Ladies and Gents, So my question today is, what are you doing to make money? If your answer is *Nothing* or waiting for a *White Collar Job*, you should have a rethink because you can make money doing what you love. When I say *doing what you love*, I mean we all have that one thing we are passionate and crazy about, some people love makeup, some love to sew (Tailoring or Fashion designing) , some love to sing, ( lol....not all of us are as fortunate as Jlo, and Wizkid), but it doesn't mean you should give up, some love to cook, some love to draw (Art)....Etc, from all these examples I am sure you all understand what I am trying to say. Turn your passion to your business, make it your source of income, stop waiting for 9-5 jobs. Key word here is *Be Your Own Boss*. I hope you all have learnt one or two things from this.